Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Survey Cometh

I just realized that I updated the financial stuff to the right, but never commented this month. I guess the craziness of the fall has already gotten to me. August was a relatively low spending month, so that makes the finance chairman happy for another 30 days. We still have some obligations that we owe to our conference, so the numbers are a little distorted. But, it was a good month.

We need everyone to take 25-30 minutes to fill out the Spiritual Life Survey at It should be posted in a few days and will provide valuable information to the leadership of our church. I understand some of the questions are thought-provoking and that it will take 25-30 minutes, but this is an investment in Cornerstone that we need very much. Be sure to spread the word to anyone who considers Cornerstone their church, even if they are not a member.

If you have any finance questions, please do not hesitate to email or ask me.
