Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2008... Slow Down!

How can I think about 2009 now when I don't even know what the end of the week is going to look like? That is the kind of week I am having. We have officially begun the budgeting process for 2009. What will 2009 bring? A third service? Faster growth? Slower growth? What about new staff positions? What about new ministry opportunities? What about tightening budgets and slower economic growth? Planning for next year is challenging. We are a church with a big vision that serves a big God. Am I the little finance nerd that stands in the way of that? Fortunately, we have some time to deliberate and get it all sorted out.

For the year, we have spent about $12,000 less than was given. That is pretty close to even when you consider the $630,000 we had coming in and going out. The last quarter of the year is always exciting at Cornerstone. We have our Celebration Dinner coming up at the beginning of November (plan to be there!) and Christmas.

Let me know if you have any questions about the numbers or the budgeting process.