Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer, where did you go?

Can you believe the summer is over? Where did it go? Well, with school starting back, that can mean only one thing... things at Cornerstone will be starting back, too. We are finishing our Cha-Ching series and starting a new sermon series called iChurch. Community groups are getting ready for the fall. Dinners are starting back.

Although attendance was good in July, giving was about $10,000 less than June. For the month (and year-to-date), we have spent about $7,000 more than was given. Youth trips and Camp Cornerstone had a big part in that in July.

During the Cha-Ching sermon series, the church has been offering the book I Was Broke, Now I'm Not for sale. If you are interested in getting some help budgeting and getting out of debt, stop by the welcome desk or contact the church office (or me) to get a copy. It is a great place to start. We will also be offering some Dave Ramsey community groups this fall focused on personal finances. These are great resources for real people with real struggles.

As always, if you have any questions, please send me an email at or see me Sunday morning.