Wednesday, July 9, 2008


No, the title of this post does not have anything to do with the church's finances the past month. It has to do with the upcoming sermon series that will start after the Dirty Jobs series. Stay tuned to the Cornerstone web page and e-news for more on that.

The June numbers on the right-hand column of the blog look awful. Did we really spend $25,000 more than was given in June? No, not exactly. The church is assessed an amount that must be paid to the conference (the bigger Methodist church) each year called apportionments. In the past, we have paid these monthly, but this year we have been waiting to see how the finances played out. We wanted to make sure we were able to cover our payroll, etc. So, in June we paid the first 6 months worth of apportionments, which was almost $34,000. We are pretty close to even for the year so far, spending about $4,500 less than was given. Although $4,500 may seem like a lot less for your personal budget, we are talking about numbers in the $400,000 range, so we are within about 1%.

At our finance committee meeting last night, we also began discussing the 2009 budget. It seems WAY too soon to be thinking about 2009, but the budgeting process for the church actually takes place in September, October, and November. We didn't really discuss it much, other than to think about the timeline and make sure we knew it was approaching in only a couple months.

As always, if you have any questions, please send me an email at or see me Sunday morning.

Happy summer!