Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What a church!

It has been an eye-opening six weeks at Cornerstone. First, we had the goal of raising $10,000 above and beyond our regular giving for a well in Uganda. We raised four times that goal. Then, we had the goal of raising an additional $10,000 for our playground fund above and beyone our regular giving. We raised almost two and a half times that goal. What a church!

Financially speaking, we are plugging right along. As you can see in the column to the right, we spent about $5,500 more in May than was given. The money for the well and playground are not included in those numbers, since those were contributions for a designated cause that will be spent entirely for those purposes. While we are not bringing in the amount we budgeted, we have not spent what we budgeted either.

At our finance committee meeting last night, we agreed to pay almost $34,000 in apportionments to the Methodist Church. Each year we are assessed a certain amount that we pay to support our district and conference. We have not been paying it monthly this year, wanting to see how our cash flows were doing. Last night we agreed to pay the first 5 months worth.

Summer is always an interesting time in church finances. Attendance tends to be a little lower, and giving tends to be a little lower. However, spending tends to pick up as we prepare for the fall.

If you have any questions, please send me an email at or see me Sunday morning.