Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things are rollin'...

The Finance Committee met last night for our monthly meeting. It was a pretty routine meeting. We looked over the financial statements from January. It was a good month - we spent $18,000 less than was given. Of course, that is a little misleading since we sometimes get big gifts at the beginning of the year. Plus, we have made some purchases that will not show up until February. But, nevertheless, it was what we like to see. As a growing church, we pretty much live month-to-month.

We also discussed the possibility of using direct deposit for our payroll. Right now, we have decided to put it on hold because we do not want to add any expenses to the budget. But, we will revisit this every few months and weigh the costs and benefits.

Jack updated us on Fellowship One, which is the church's new database software. Soon, you will be able to contribute to the church with a credit card via the web page. We will also see improvements in how kids are checked in at KidzTown.

There is an audit committee in place to confirm that our financial house is in order and provide recommendations to make sure they stay that way. We have not had any issue that led us to form this committee. It is simply another check and balance to assure the church that we are being good stewards. They have been at work since the fall.

We want to be transparent. If you have questions about the church's finances, please send me an email at or see me Sunday morning.